Monday, August 15, 2011

Not going to be a blog today....

More like a sentence or two.....but I must say....

I really have the best friends a woman could ask for!  Your inspiration, love, support, laughter and prayers make me a better woman and I am grateful for having met each one of you! 

You know who you are....but just in case....Angel, Candice, Shannon, Deanna, Emily, Thank you!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Taking Some Time to Copy and Paste...

I think my friend Shannon expresses the feelings better than I ever if you don't already follow her, find her Shannanigans [Sh*t My Kids Say and Other Suburban Adventures].

For the past couple of years, Thursday nights have been Girls' Night Out with some of my close friends. Not every week...but every other Thursday or so, a handful of us thirtysomethings (and sometimes Krystal) would line up at the bar at Othello's around 8:30 or 9 and close the place down with our trusted and much-beloved bartender, Lee. We drink wine and share appetizers and catch up with each other, often discussing our kids and relationships and what's happening in the world. Sometimes there are just 2 or 3 of us, usually 5 or 6, though we've had as many as a dozen. However many we numbered, Lee was always waiting for us with a smile, and he knew to put our water in cognac glasses to make it pretty. He always put extra cherries in my club special and knew how I liked my pizza. When our wine glasses approached empty, he would quietly appear in front of us, raising an eyebrow in question. With a nod or a shake of the head, he would refill the glass or bring coffee, without so much as making us pause in our conversation. We flirted shamelessly with him, both individually and en masse, and he would smile and blush, which made us laugh...but he always took our teasing in stride. Sometimes he flirted back, but he was always careful to toe the line and remain appropriate--at least reasonably so. He didn't talk much, and what little we knew about him, we had to drag out of him, but every once in awhile he would open up and throw his two cents into our chatter. Best of all, when our husbands would show up at our sides, he would treat them like old friends, but never uttered a word about our sometimes personal Thursday Girl talk. I can honestly say, he definitely understood what was sacred.

Today, I found out our Lee is moving on, and I know I'm not alone in my sadness. He tended to us well, and will be sorely missed by us all. Thursday nights won't ever be quite the same!
Thank you Shannon for allowing me to use your words in this oh, so difficult time for us all!  :~)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The heat and the crazies...

Somehow society turns into a bunch of sweaty, irrational, angry, whiny people who want nothing more than to be left alone.  "I'm hot, don't touch me," my sisters favorite phrase anytime of year when she is feeling a bit sticky, has seemed to become the theme for most everyone over the last few months!

People's actions this summer seem to be the opposite of what they are before a pending snow know how it goes...everyone hustling to the grocery store...buying out shelves of milk and eggs... and good luck getting your hands on a Little Debbie Snack Cake....they are gone too!  But during this summer heat, people have turned into hermits...staying inside instead of heading to the pool, cueing up Netflix instead of going to local outdoor concerts, forget going to the zoo or taking the kids to the park.  And the grocery store...please, I have never seen more creative meals coming out of families using up what they have in their pantry.  Tell me you haven't had the thought of feeding your kids cereal for dinner, a popcorn and string cheese casserole, or better yet, the ever creative cheese wiz, artichoke hearts and chicken sprinkled with a crushed cracker topping!  Yum Yum!!!

I bet 99% of the people who complain incessantly about the frigid temps we have had the last few winters are the same ones who are complaining incessantly about the heat dome that is cooking Oklahoman's like a steak on a grill, without the char lines of course!  But, oh how I bet you are wishing for those cooler temps.  If you think about it...when you look out your window it looks the same now as in December....dead grass, no flowers, fallen leaves everywhere....only difference is 100 degrees!  How hot is it out? Well, Satan has officially started charging us rent!

If the old addage holds true...there will be a spring baby boom this coming April and May!!

The moral of the story: Suck it up will cool off soon enough!