Monday, June 27, 2011 more Disney Channel for you!

After a busy day of cleaning, cutting down trees, and a bit more cleaning...we headed to the library to switch out our "old" books.  We left there and headed straight to church, we aren't normally Saturday Mass people, but hey, we were out and why not!?!  We got to church earlier than we normally would, about 30, we all said a few silent prayers, sat back, and like any "normal" Catholic...began reading the church bulletin (hey, at least it wasn't during the homily!) 

Now, John has been asking me all weekend, "Honey, what do you want to do for your birthday?"  My birthay is a month away....I don't know what I want to do when I get off work, much less for my birthday that is thirty-some days from now....

So as we are reading the bulletin...I come across an event at the MAC that sounds outdoor showing of The Wizard of OZ...and it's the weekend before my birthday!  Perfect, I have an answer to the question.

I show the blurb to Johnny...there was a short discussion between he and William about the idea...then, William looks up at me and says..."Mom, we've already seen Wizards of Waverly OZ.  Why do you want to see it again?"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Just the two of us...

San Francisco in the fall....that's what we have planned anyway!  John seems to be a regular in California, traveling for work at least one week a month.  Unfortunatley for Cali, I have never graced it with my presence.  While John is a bit more excitement level is off the charts....code red.  I am not sure what is more exciting to me....the thought of seeing the west coast or the thought of actually taking a vacation alone...with my husband.

That's right, I said it...after 11 years of marriage, we have never taken a vacation by ourselves...with exception of our honeymoon.  We have traveled with my sister and brother-in-law...who are excellent travel companions.  We have traveled with our children, again, excellent...but in a completley different way!!  :~)  
We have traveled with both of our families and parents....that can always be a bit more trying...but definately gratifying in the end!  But never, just the two of us.

I am looking forward to planning this trip...finding the unique and exciting things for us to do....I am not one that wants to see the "touristy" parts of town....I want to get down to the nitty gritty of the locals...the antique shops, farmers markets and resturaunts.

So, I ask of each of you...give me ideas....tell me what that one exciting, interesting, little known jewel is out in San Francisco!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Legends of the fountain....

Legend says that if you throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain- with your back to the fountain, throwing the coin with your right hand over your left shoulder - that will ensure a return to Rome. 
Here's hoping!