Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The first to admit it!

I am not one to deny my faults....I know I have them.  A short fuse that makes for a very quick temper...I am always the first to apologize and say I was wrong....it may take a couple of hours, but it WILL happen!  A lack of desire to do laundry....Some of them, I will even attest are a bit, well, irrational... for instance: a fear of snakes and June bugs, my fear of needles.....Yes, I know it is only a tiny stick maybe a little burn of the medicine, but in the grand scheme of things it will make you feel better.  That being said, I will (and have) cried like a baby at the mere thought of being stuck.  I will do it, but the probability of a tantrum is at the least high!!! 

Now, here's the thing....I am terrified of tornadoes.  The sheer destruction they cause, the unpredictability of their path, the indecisive nature of what is left standing...the thought terrifies me.  So, here I sit, anxiously watching the weather channel online (note there are no storms as of yet, and nothing has changed since 7am) trying to get my fears out now....before I go home and have to shove all stress and anxiety out the window for my children's sake.  So, I will fret, and I will frown, and I will repeatedly hit refresh.....so that my children never grow up knowing just how irrational and nonsensical their mother can actually be!!! 

I am guessing a game or two of Sorry will be played, maybe UNO Attacks, I may even get the kids in the kitchen to bake some brownies....baking seems calm and productive.....doesn't it?!?

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